Artist Run & Pablo Delgado in Lower Clapton, London

We found ourselves passing through Lower Clapton the other day and came across this mural we had not seen before. The wall had been painted by Italian artists RUN, who has previous painted this spot just off Lower Clapton Road.
Artist Run & Pablo Delgado London Mural
The artist has been extremely active in this part of London with numerous murals featuring his work still to be found around the Clapton area in East London, some of which we have previously featured on the blog here, here and here. This latest addition to the neighbourhood is a collaborative mural and also features the work Mexican artist Pablo Delgado.Have a look at some of our pictures below.

Later this month will see RUN take over the downstairs space of Hang-Up Gallery on the 21st March, creating for them the gallery’s first Street Art installation. This will be followed by RUN's solo show at the gallery which is planned for June 2014. Stay tuned for more info.
Pablo Delgado on Instagram — @pablo_delgadomc
Hookedblog on Instagram — @Hookedblog
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