Israeli Collective Broken Fingaz Crew Video for U2

On a recent visit to Hackney Wick in East London while out on a street art treasure hunt for the miniature Pablo Delgado street art works we also spotted the remains of a series of paste ups pictured.
The small works were wheatpasted up on some construction hording in Fish Island. For the most part the work had been covered by commercial fly posters but there was enough visible for us to recognise one of the characters in the works as that of Israeli collective Broken Fingaz Crew.
We then realised that what was left of these small pasteups were in fact frames of an animation with each image slighlty different from the next.
Broken Fingaz Crew
Hailing from Haifa, the Israeli crew have been regulars on the streets of London for some years now with their large scale murals and smaller works appearing across London with a focus on Hackney Wick as one of the collective was based there for some time.
Founded back in 2001 the multidisciplinary art collective members Kip, Unga and Tant have been featured on the blog many times over the years. From their Skulls and Skelton murals to more the explicit images such as the panda sex mural on Bacon Street the collective have had a presence in the London streets for some time.

Following a number of collaborations with London Graffiti / Street artist INSA on a series of GIF-ITI pieces, the Broken Finaz Crew went on to produce their own series of animated GIF-ITI murals combinated with stop-motion street animations along the line of what we had been seeing from Italian artist BLU.
The term GIF-ITI was coined by INSA back when he started creating his unique animated street paintings; 'street art that paradoxically was only viewable online'.
In 2017 Broken Fingaz Crew were invited as part of the film festival “L’Heure D’Hiver” to create a work on site for the Nocturne of the MIMA Museuem in Brussels titled Poison Seeds using these techniques below.
Poison Seeds animation by the Broken Fingaz Crew in Brussels, Belgium.
Broken Fingaz Crew Video for U2
For the collectives latest project they recieved a call from Universal Musi to say Irish Rock group U2 wanted them to create an animation lyric video for their song “American Soul” featuring an intro by Kendrick Lamar — they also said they needed it ready in 7 days! The collective members were all based in different cities but they still agreed to take the project on, shotting the music video in Haifa, London and Rajasthan.
Enlisting the help of a team of friends the collective created the animated U2 video in just four days across three cities. Impressive when we watch the video and see the volume of work that has gone into the music video.
The miniature pasteups that we photographed in Hackney Wick were frames from some of the animations the collective used in the U2 music video. Check out the finished animations in the music video below.
Hookedblog on Instagram — @Hookedblog
Broken Fingaz on Instagram — @brokenfingaz
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Broken Fingaz Crew on the streets of London.
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