On 30 March 2007 Friday Late will animate the V&A galleries with workshops, performances and screenings celebrating the art of moving images. Visitors will get a chance to explore all animation techniques from hand-drawn frames to the latest computer technologies. Get animated and celebrate the art of moving image, with an evening that will have you dreaming in technicolor and stop motion.
The evening will include a screening of Japanese animation including work from Production I.G (Ghost in The Shell and the animation of Tarantino's Kill Bill), short films from Satoshi Tomioka, music videos from Koichiro Tsujikawa and work from other stars of the Japanese scene. A Walt Disney Talk with the unique opportunity to see some of the Disney's drawings close-up. Plus a Nexus retrospective featuring a selection of short films, title sequences, comedy sketches, music videos and commercials from this award-winning production company. The full list of events lined-up for the evening can be viewed over on the V&A's website here.
Friday Late Animate, is part of the V&A’s ongoing ‘Friday Late’ programming which responds to the latest happenings in contemporary culture.
Where: The V&A | Cromwell Road| London SW7
Date: Friday, 30 March
Time: 6.30pm – 10.00pm