NOAD Day: Time To Reclaim Your City

The 27th November 2016 will mark the third year of NOAD day, an ongoing civil disobedience project which began back in 2014 as an expression of global resistance to the use of our shared public spaces for advertising and commercial media.
According to the NOAD site, “The goal of the project is to create a global voice of dissatisfaction against the use of our public spaces for a commercial media that is a detriment to our collective psyche. The more participation we have, the greater our voice, so take a minute this November 27th to join the party.”
In 2014, 63 participants took to the streets and over 300 advertisements were removed, and the NOAD team wants to keep that momentum going and hopes that you will join them in this third year again! If you want to take part the task is super easy, hit the streets of your city on November 27th and remove as many advertisements as you can.
Be sure to document the empty bus shelters, billboards, or whatever type of advertisement you have chosen to liberate. Use the hashtag #NOADday if sharing the photographs on social media or you can send them directly to NOAD via email.
How to take part?
For those who don’t have a key, NOAD have made a tutorial on how to make your own key to access the bus shelters below. If this key is not working for the media units in your city or you prefer to buy other keys you can do so online via the Public Access website.Find Hookedblog on — Facebook — Twitter — Instagram — Bloglovin' — Pinterest