Street Artist Edwin & Don't Fret Collaborative Book

Following the successful opening of their joint exhibition 'The Distinct Sound Of Laughter In The Distance' at Unit5 Gallery (Previously on Hookedblog) earlier this week, UK based artist Edwin and US-based street artist Don't Fret have released a collaborative book to tie in with their current exhibition.

For the past year Don't Fret has been tagging Edwin’s words and messages all over Chicago, and Edwin, in turn, has been tagging Don't Fret's words and text all over London. This collaboration which began as a simple experiment in social communication, activism, and as a 'graffiti pen pal project' quickly expanded with the events of 2016.

The UK’s Brexit Vote, the turmoil of the US Presidential Election, the Refugee Crisis, each of these events has had an influence on a project about a world that is so connected, yet disconnected. We are more capable than ever of communicating with one another, yet perhaps the least capable of actually learning from that exchange. Hence, 'The Distinct Sound Of Laughter In The Distance'.

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Street Artist Edwin & Don't Fret Collaborative Book

A series of hand-drawn paste-ups on the streets of Shoreditch by Don't Fret.

This special limited edition book is a culmination of the project and documents the correspondence and outdoor works the two artists have undertaken over the last year. The publication is available online via the Unit5 Gallery Shop here.

The book has been released in an edition of 250, the first 50 copies were signed by both artists but they have already sold out, so we suggest you don't hang about or you will miss your chance to purchase a copy of this book. Should you happen to be one of the first 100 to order the book online you will be entered into a raffle to win an original collaborative drawing by the two artists.

Edition of 250. £12.50 +P&P / US$ 15.00 + P&P
Shop: Available now online or in person from Unit5 Gallery
Dates: Exhibition is open until 2nd December.
Location: Unit 5 Gallery, The Yard, Yorkton Street, London, E2 8NH

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