Street Art Stencils that are NSFW by London Street Artist The Krah

A one time regular on the streets of East London it's been some time since we've seen some street work from London based street artist The Krah. The last few months has seen the artist focus on studio work and other projects including a number of exhibitions he has curated in his West London space.
Last week saw his welcome return to the streets of London hitting up the Shoreditch neighbourhood with a black and white series of large scale pasteups, some featuring new imagery and others drawing from the artists archive one of which is included in this post.

#StreetArtPorn Stencils
Alongside the new pasteup work, The Krah has also been working on a new series of stencil pieces which have started to appear in West London and soon we are told over here in the East. The street artists new #FuckStreetart stencil works pictured below might possibly be considered a little NSFW for some. The stencil pieces feature some of most recognisable street art symbols or Street Logos as Tristan Manco referred to them in his 2004 book of the same name.
These iconic street logos have been incorporated into various explicit scenes in which he has replaced the human figures heads with the logos of some of the leading street artist from across the globe. Street artists which feature in The Krah's stencils include Banksy, Invader, Obey, Faile, Eine, Os Gemeos and D*Face to name a few. Check out the images below to see what other artists are featured in this new stencil series.

Os Gemeos, Barry McGee, D*Face, KAWS, Banksy, Eine, Sickboy, Invader, The London Police, Keith Haring and Jean-Michel Basquiat.

D*Face, Banksy, Obey, Os Gemeos, Invader and Keith Haring.