Street Artist Donk installs a huge wheat paste in Hackney Wick, London

Late last week with the London winter sun making an appearance we ventured outdoors with our camera to check out what's new on the streets.
After a quick whizz around Shoreditch, we jumped onto the bus and made our way out further East to Hackney Wick where we stumble upon this epic new work from London street artist Donk.
Hackney Wick Street Art by Donk
A regular fixture on the London street scene, Donk is well known for his photographic screen printed wheat-pasted work around the city. The artist is not shy of scaling up his work, having previously installed a number of large scale pieces around Shoreditch (covered here), but this new work is the largest work we have seen from Donk.
A regular spot with graffiti artists ideal for roller pieces due to the scale of the wall, Donk says “ I saw this place under the bridges on Lee river last summer and decided to try and make a site-specific paste-up to fit the gap between the two fly-overs”. We so much legal street art going up around London, it is great to see an artist create a site-specific work of this scale without permission.

The title of this slightly post-apocalyptic photographic work is ‘Higher Ground’.
According to Donk he "wanted to make an image that made some kind of a connection between human strength & vulnerability and the innate strength and vulnerability found within nature itself; an ability for survival and renewal beyond the odds. So eventually I ended up with an image depicting this lone female figure standing on top of a tower of debris, which is gradually being reclaimed by the wild."
Hackney Wick Street Art by Donk
A regular fixture on the London street scene, Donk is well known for his photographic screen printed wheat-pasted work around the city. The artist is not shy of scaling up his work, having previously installed a number of large scale pieces around Shoreditch (covered here), but this new work is the largest work we have seen from Donk.A regular spot with graffiti artists ideal for roller pieces due to the scale of the wall, Donk says “ I saw this place under the bridges on Lee river last summer and decided to try and make a site-specific paste-up to fit the gap between the two fly-overs”. We so much legal street art going up around London, it is great to see an artist create a site-specific work of this scale without permission.

The title of this slightly post-apocalyptic photographic work is ‘Higher Ground’.
According to Donk he "wanted to make an image that made some kind of a connection between human strength & vulnerability and the innate strength and vulnerability found within nature itself; an ability for survival and renewal beyond the odds. So eventually I ended up with an image depicting this lone female figure standing on top of a tower of debris, which is gradually being reclaimed by the wild."