Mr. Cenz ‘Distortions’ at The Department Store

London graffiti artist Mr. Cenz has been making some noise on the streets of Shoreditch for some time now hitting up a number of walls in last few months around the neighbourhood, including this recent piece painted earlier this month on Curtain Road in East London. Drawing on his years of experience painting letterforms, the artists current body of work has seen him fuse his different influences and technical skills to create these much loved colourful female portraits seen across the city.

Mr. Cenz was captured at work on this mural in the short film posted below, produced by videographer Perry White who caught up with the artist ahead of his upcoming solo exhibition.We have also shared some additional photographs of the artists other works that are still to be seen around Shoreditch including one on Fashion Street and another located on New Inn Broadway.

You can catch Mr Cenz's latest body of canvas work at his upcoming solo show Distortions, which will be the artists first solo in number of years. 'Distortions' goes on show from October 16th and will run at the gallery space until November 9th at Pure Evil Galleries' The Department Store.
The Department Store, 96-98 Leonard Street, London.
Want to find out more about Mr. Cenz?
Find him online here:
Mr. Cenz websiteMr. Cenz Instagram