Hookedblog visited Gaia at his temporary London print studio last week while he was working on his new 'Marlo' Lino print edition (covered here). Yesterday we were lucky enough to hang out with Gaia again as he began working on the second part of his mural in the Dorset Estate, Tower Hamlets on the side of The Ravenscroft Public House which is also the venue for his "Show Of Hands' solo exhibition with Nelly Duff.

While we were in Dublin over the weekend Gaia completed the first section of the mural also located on the side of the pub and features a portrait of Berthold Romanovich Lubetkin . Lubetkin was a Russian émigré architect who pioneered modernist design in Britain in the 1930s and along with Skinner and Bailey designed the Dorset Estate.


For the second portrait on the wall Gaia has chosen to paint a well known local resident and a regular in the Ravenscroft Public House 'Harry', who is pictured below.


Gaia plans to continue working on the mural over the next two days and plans to finished the portrait of Harry alongside a third portrait of himself on time for the show. Details for the Show Of Hands exhibition are below.

GAIAThe finished Gaia self portrait below. Gaia Gaia's "Show Of Hands" runs until the 18th April 2013, don't miss it.
The Ravenscroft Public House — 4 Ravenscroft St — Bethnal Green — London E2 7QG