Sheffield based French Street Artist releases a new Dropmen zine

Paris based female artist Emarama has been extremely busy the last year painting and wheat-pasting her dropmen characters from London to Paris and even Miami which saw her working on a huge scale piece with The London Police, Kid Acne and Will Barras.

To celebrate the years work the artist is releasing a fanzine featuring both her indoor and outdoor pieces. The zine is currently available at Galerie Voskel in Paris, and will also be available soon on the artist online shop. Until then here are a some pictures of the zine.

The artist has now uploaded her online webshop and the fanzine is available for EURO10 plus EURO5 postage for those of you in the UK. We have just ordered our copy and picked an orange one. You get to chose the colour cover you want. Buy one here.

Sheffield based French Street Artist releases a new Dropmen zine

Sheffield based French Street Artist releases a new Dropmen zine

Sheffield based French Street Artist releases a new Dropmen zine

Photos via Emarama

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