Street/Studio: The Place of Street Art in Melbourne
We recently had the pleasure of meeting Alison Young a lecturer at the University of Melbourne and author of the blog Images To Live By.
Alison is also the author of several books as well as numerous articles on the intersections of law, crime and culture. Her current research on street art has been funded by the Australian Research Council and it was on her most recent trip to London that we caught up with her.
Alongside her research, Alison spoke to us about a street art book she was working on in collaboration with three Australian street artists. Ghostpatrol and Miso, both well known Melbourne based Street artists and Timba Smits an art director, graphic designer and independent publisher of the Wooden Toy Quarterly.
Since Alison's London trip, the Street/Studio The Place of Street Art in Melbourne book has had its Australian release. The book sets out to offers an exclusive behind the- scenes look at how street art has entered the mainstream and become one of the most collectible new art forms.
It also offers an unparalleled insight into the work of Australia’s most influential, dynamic and creative street artists living and working in Melbourne and details how in an increasingly lucrative and commercial industry they traverse between the street, the studio, and the gallery space.
Having already had a successful Melbourne launch, Thursday 8 July 2010 will see the UK release of the Street/Studio The Place of Street Art in Melbourne book with two of the authors, Miso and Timba Smits present at the London launch party to sign copies of the publication.
The launch party will kick off tomorrow at Black Rat Projects space from 6pm with some original artwork on display including a number of artist prints from the artists featured in Street/Studio
The launch party will kick off tomorrow at Black Rat Projects space from 6pm with some original artwork on display including a number of artist prints from the artists featured in Street/Studio
If you missed the launch party you can get yourself a copy of this excellent publication online over on Amazon
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