December 2009

The Obey Mens and Womens Christmas Sample Sale kicks off in a new spot on Dray Walk (next to the Big Chill Bar and Rough Trade East) within the The Old Truman Brewery, Brick Lane, East London from Friday morning at 10.30am through to 5.30pm on Sunday 20th Dec. They will be stocked up with lots of new Mens and Womens pieces and everything will be half price or less!!!
In addition we have also got some sweet, sweet sticker packs for the first 10 people through the door who say ‘ Andre the Giant has a Christmas posse and I’m in it!!!!’.
Friday 18th DEC - 10.30am - 7.00pm
Saturday 19th DEC - 10.30am - 7.00pm
Sunday 20th DEC - 10.30 - 5pm
Corner Unit next to the Big Chill Bar | Dray Walk | East London