Zero Cool Gallery — Don't Believe The Type

This from Zerocool:Everyday we get hit by a barrage of written media be it Newspapers, Billboards, Packaging - you buy a cup of coffee on the way to work and you get a 100 word essay wrapped around the paper cup! What are we supposed to take from the millions of mixed messages we receive everyday - telling us stuff / selling us stuff - what are we supposed to believe?
On a far more basic level one of the earliest things we learn to do in life is how to write and it's something we use until the day we die and Graffiti Artists know more then most how important and powerful type can be, from something as basic as scrawling a name on a wall to creating a huge piece on the side of a building to get a message out - it's where we all start.
The show is set to feature Asbestos (Ireland) / ATG/Panik (UK) / Dan Baldwin (UK) / China Mike (UK) / Gemma Compton (UK) / Copyright (UK) / Eine (UK) / Ben Frost (Australia) / Hush (UK) / Hayden Kays (UK) / Krell (Germany) / Andrew McAttee (UK) / Meggs (Australia) / Numskull (Australia) / Pilpeled (Israel) / Pure Evil (UK) / T.WAT (UK) / Zoot (UK)
More info on the dates and the venue location when we have them.
UPDATE: The date for the show has now been released and it will open Thursday December 10th at 6.30pm at the new Underground Gallery below Chrome and Black - 49 Bethnal Green Road, Shoreditch, London