D*FACE - Apopcalypse Now
aPOPcalypse Now is the new D*Face show also opening tonight, Thursday 2nd October. Black Rat Press Gallery felt that the show was so special they decieded to hold it at secret location which was reveal earlier this week. The show will take place across the street from the current gallery space in a new space at 89a Rivington Street.
D*Face, has created an entirely new body of work for this show. Work that, while still recognisably D*Face, shows a marked stylistic departure.
Black Rat Press will be releasing two prints to go with the show. The first one a seventeen colour screenprint with etched background. This print will only be available to those attending the opening night.
The second print was released earlier today via the Black Rat Press website and is now sold out.
In D*Face's own words: “My work reflects our popular culture encompassing the American dream and the ideal of good triumphing over evil, no longer relevant in today's society where the 'invade now and ask questions later' philosophy isn't tolerated or indeed wanted. Colliding cultures are no longer receptive to the American way, the Superhero's triumph of good over evil as portrayed through the political circus is now decoded through the eyes of different cultures, weary and wary of the sub-plot played in today’s political climate where war equals brand invasion”.
Black Rat Press | 89a Rivington Street | London
Preview 2nd October 6pm - 9pm.(Invite's are need for this show)
Please note the Part 1 of the show will only be open on Thursday 2nd 6pm - 9pm, Friday 3rd October 10am - 6pm, Saturday 4th October11am - 4pm and Sunday 5th October 11am - 4pm.
D*Face, has created an entirely new body of work for this show. Work that, while still recognisably D*Face, shows a marked stylistic departure.
Black Rat Press will be releasing two prints to go with the show. The first one a seventeen colour screenprint with etched background. This print will only be available to those attending the opening night.
The second print was released earlier today via the Black Rat Press website and is now sold out.
In D*Face's own words: “My work reflects our popular culture encompassing the American dream and the ideal of good triumphing over evil, no longer relevant in today's society where the 'invade now and ask questions later' philosophy isn't tolerated or indeed wanted. Colliding cultures are no longer receptive to the American way, the Superhero's triumph of good over evil as portrayed through the political circus is now decoded through the eyes of different cultures, weary and wary of the sub-plot played in today’s political climate where war equals brand invasion”.
Black Rat Press | 89a Rivington Street | London
Preview 2nd October 6pm - 9pm.(Invite's are need for this show)
Please note the Part 1 of the show will only be open on Thursday 2nd 6pm - 9pm, Friday 3rd October 10am - 6pm, Saturday 4th October11am - 4pm and Sunday 5th October 11am - 4pm.