"1 - Mono Exhibition" is another show that is opening next week and is also part of the 2 week long London Design Festival. The show has been curated by Blanka who have invited 28 leading designers to produce 28 Black and white A1 posters representing 28 graphic design terms.

Each poster will be housed in a different space within London, encouraging visitors to view the exhibition whilst accessing the other events taking place throughout the capital. The Sea gallery will house the complete set for 1 week. All of the designers contributing have received the same brief, giving each individual the same level playing field to create something unique and express their own individual skill or style. Exhibition poster and catalogue by Build, with posters from Wim Crouwel, Saville Associates, Madethought, North, Trevor Jackson, Spin, Tom Hingston, Experimental Jetset and 20 others leading creatives.


SEA Gallery
70 St John Street
London EC1M 4DT