Rottenrow Workshop Presents:

Brad Downey, Civil Servant
A Rose with a Thorn in its Side - An Unsanctioned Commission

27 July 2006 in Shoreditch, London (location will be revealed on day of installation)

Downey uses humor to underscore institutional regulation of public behavior and to provoke awareness of how this control affects the evaluation of art, self, and social status. Subtle, comic and often provocative, Downey surprises the viewer with his reactions to how property, space and personal experience overlap in an era of privatization. Using found and forgotten remnants of urban architecture, Downey reinvent public objects and reinsert them into the every-day landscape. These temporary disruptions persisting as little as minutes and as long as months, toy with interrelations between individuals as they inhabit public and private space. A Rose with a Thorn in its Side, manipulates street signs to create personal relationships with each other and with passersby.