Geoff McFetridge At Kemistry Gallery

All Smiles Have Teeth
Collected Works - Geoff McFetridge
21 /09/ 05 - 30 /10/ 05
Kemistry Gallery is proud to present Geoff McFetridge's first UK show.
Few people better exemplify the lack of boundaries in today's design world than Geoff, a truely multidisciplinary designer, 'an all round visual auteur'. Understatement is central to the impact of his work, inviting participation. It gets through the filters by offering the viewer an opportunity to play with a puzzle for a moment, a puzzle that doesn't have one simple answer. Often imitated, but never equalled, Geoff's work spans storyboard sketches, freaky comic-style illustrations with philosophic taglines and hand drawn typography.

"He is part of a new generation of designers who are eager to leap the old divides between image and product, design and art, the flat pag and the moving image."
Paul Warwick Thompson, Director, Smithsonian's Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum
Kemistry Gallery
43 Chalotte Rd, EC2A 3PD